"Spider-Man Rising" (2010)
Demo Song
Background Information
“Spider-Man Rising” is one of a number of songs by Bono and The Edge that appeared in the musical, “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.” Bono at one point in late 2009 spoke about possibly recording the Spider-Man music with U2, “If we’re going to do another rock record, I want to do Spider-Man,” he said. “I just haven’t talked Adam and Larry into that.” Thankfully that threat didn’t come to pass, however, someday it may.
“Spider-Man Rising” is a song title that appeared at one point in the musical, but does not appear on the cast recording. Other songs appearing in the musical throughout its development that do not appear on the cast soundtrack include “The Myth of Arachne,” “Splash Page,” “Behold and Wonder,” “Bullying By Numbers,” “Venom,” “I’ll Take Manhattan,” “Think Again,” “Deeply Furious,” “Love Me or Kill Me,” “Spider-Man!”, and “Finale – A New Dawn”.
At this point it is unlikely that U2 will revisit the Spider-Man music.