U2Com Renewal Questions

Original Story by Aaron J. Sams (2025-01-31)

We’re getting a number of messages asking what fans should do in regards to renewing for U2.com as the 2025 gift offer has not gone live. If you are in this situation, we offer what help we can below. But as always, any information published on U2.com regarding subscription offers should be considered correct and current over any information found below.

For those fans who joined U2.com when it first went live, the end of January typically brings the subscription renewal process. This week many have received notice that there are only 30 days left on subscription and it is time to renew. However, on viewing the renewal options, a new gift for 2025 is not currently listed.

We don’t know when the 2025 offer will open on U2.com, which will allow you to choose a new gift when subscribing. However, this has happened in past years as well. In 2024 even though the gift was determined and previously announced, the subscriber offer was not set up on U2.com to show the new gift until February 8. In 2023, the subscriber offers for the year were added on February 10. In that case, the gift was still unknown when the subscriber offer went live, and an option was given for ’2023 gift when announced’.) Based on these dates, it is likely we will have a new gift offer opened in the next few weeks.

If you have gotten your 30-day subscription expiry notice, it will include your renewal date. If you have time, wait a couple of weeks for this to get sorted out. However, set an alarm now! (And set it for a few days before the date!) If you do not resubscribe before the 30-day window ends, you have to pay an additional $10. It is best to renew before expiry. Based on prior years when this has been an issue, hopefully there will be a new subscriber option added shortly. You can also contact the site directly via U2.com/help if you have direct questions. Please pick a descriptive item on the drop down list. (If you haven’t yet gotten an expiry notice you can check your expiry date by logging into your profile).

If your subscription ends very soon, or has already ended, please contact U2.com/help and explain what is going on, and ask for directions on how to handle this. They have offered varied solutions in the past, but it is best to get their guidance, because ultimately they are the organization that will fulfill your subscription, and deal with any issues related to the gifts.

The moderation team at U2.com have posted a request on Twitter today. They request that if you have had to renew your subscription, or have to in the next few weeks that at this time you do not press the Redeem button after this process. We’ve embedded that message below.

The redeem button is a button on your profile, which has been used in the past to ask subscribers to confirm their address when a gift is ready. Once you renew for 2025, you are being asked not to press that button at this time. If you have? Head to U2.com/help and fill out a support ticket.

At this point we are aware that the 2024 gift, the second book of lyrics, has not started shipping, and is delayed. At this time we are not aware of anyone who has received this item, but the last update for subscribers was it was in the final stages of production prior to Christmas.

There is a topic in the Zootopia forums at U2.com in regards to this topic if you wish to speak with others who are in a similar position. That thread can be found here if you are signed in. For those wondering, I got my renewal notice today, so did most of the team here, just as many of you did.

Interested in the past subscription gifts and what has been offered? We do have a section dedicated to these gifts you can browse while we wait for the new item to be announced.

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